How the Buddhist View Facilitates Relationships by Lopeun Sherab
Translation if needed by Monk Giel
Due to success repeat
In this English lecture, the Buddhist perspective is taken as a perspective on relationships in the broad sense of the word (partners, parent-child, colleagues, ...).
Lobsang Nyima (Monk Giel) will translate if necessary.
Lopeun Sherab Choephel, is a teacher at the Jonang University Monastery in Shimla, Northern India.
Lopeun Sherab Choephel was born in Tibet.
At the age of 10 Lopeun Sherab Choephel became a monk, for the first 6 years he studied the basic knowledge of Buddhism. After that he did the 3 year Kalachakra retreat twice. He then studied Buddhist philosophy at the Buddhist Academic Center in Larung Gar and in several Jonang monasteries in Tibet. He obtained the Khenpo degree (the university monastic equivalent of a doctorate in Buddhist philosophy)
In India he continued his sutra and tantra studies for 5 years at the Jonang University Monastery. He graduated (master) with Lopeun distinction.
From 2015 to 2019, he taught philosophy and meditation at Jonang University Monastery.
Lopeun Sherab Choephel was recently invited to Thailand, Mongolia, Myanmar and Taiwan.
Meditation room of the Lodewijk Van Montfort Church
The Sevillastraat 89 in Deurne-South
November 13 from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Door opens at 7:30 PM.
Cost is five euros.
Please come on time.
via: contact Ehipassiko
Register in time, to provide enough space in the church, places are limited.
We ask you to respect the protocol regarding the COVID-19 measures on arrival